Outskirts Outpost


The Outskirts Outpost is an abandoned building in the middle of the Nevada Desert, far from Nexus, which formerly owned it. Due to the ransacked and destroyed nature of the place, before a certain someone took it over, it is believed that the original inhabitants were killed in a raider attack, and the place was destroyed and ransacked in the process.

Some time after, the power in the building finally broke down, plunging it into pure darkness, and three days later, Sammy showed up and made the place his home, turning the whole thing dangerous. Those who escape the Outpost alive report mutilated corpses on altars all throughout the building, some of which match known missing people, along with a constant sense of being watched.

Fear and paranoia can be amazing teachers, and the Outskirts Outpost shows that the best. Those that chicken out and leave are the ones that live another day, and the ones too idiotic or bold to leave are the ones who join the corpses, as a permanent monument of Sammy's twisted insanity, and undying faith for his god.

For the singular living inhabitant, see Sammy.